PhD student Natasha Easton sets up two of our PM samplers in Southampton

PhD student Natasha Easton sets up two of our PM samplers in Southampton

Low-Costs sensor package we developed

Low-Costs sensor package we developed

PM collected using our high volume impactor from NOCS Dockside

PM collected using our high volume impactor from NOCS Dockside

Key Questions

1. Can isotopic techniques, like Pb, Sr, Nd (and other more exotic systems) be used as effective tracers of PM source?

2. Can laser ablation techniques be used to apportion source in a single sample of PM?

3. What is the source of PM in the port city of Southampton? Southampton has many potential sources of PM, what are the most important? And what is the role of the port?

How do we do it?

Different anthropogenic activities produce airborne pollution with different characteristics and different toxicities.  At the Foster lab, in collaboration with Dr Matt Loxham in Medicine, we apply geochemical techniques to fingerprint the sources of PM recovered from samples of urban air and we are exploring new and novel isotopic systems and analytical techniques to facilitate improved source apportionment and its association with PM toxicity. 

We are also working with our colleagues in the faculty of Engineering (Dr Steven Johnston and Prof Simon Cox) to design, construct and deploy low cost sensors across the city of Southampton (e.g. here).  Combined with the geochemical and isotopic fingerprinting techniques this represents a comprehensive tool kit that allows for the effective monitoring, and therefore mitigation, of air pollution in cities around the world. 


Recent Publications

Bulot, F.M.J., Ossont, S.J., Morris, A.K.R., Basford, P.J., Easton, N.H.C., Mitchell, H.L., Foster, G.L., Cox, S.J., Loxham, M. (2023) Characterisation and calibration of low-cost PM sensors at high temporal resolution to reference-grade performance, Heliyon,

Bulot, F., Russell, H., Rezaei, M., Johnson, M., Ossont, S., Morris, A., ... Cox, S. (2020). Laboratory comparison of low-cost particulate matter sensors to measure transient events of pollution. Sensors, 20(8), [2219]. doi: 10.3390/s20082219

Bulot, F., Johnston, S., Basford, P. J., Easton, N. H. C., Apetroaie-Cristea, M., Foster, G., ... Loxham, M. (2019). Long-term field comparison of multiple low-cost particulate matter sensors in an outdoor urban environment. Scientific Reports, 9, 1-13. [7497]. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-43716-3

Johnston, S., Basford, P. J., Bulot, F., Apetroaie-Cristea, M., Easton, N. H. C., Davenport, C., ... Cox, S. (2019). City scale particulate matter monitoring using LoRaWAN based air quality IoT devices. Sensors. DOI: 10.3390/s19010209